"Born not from our flesh, but born in our hearts, you were longed for and wanted and loved from the start"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What if...

Our profile books have been ordered...

Our online profile has been submitted...

Our one page profile has been submitted...

Now we wait....

Dear God,
What if we don't get picked?  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Getting closer...

Our new home study was approved this week!!  Woo Hoo!  The profile book has been approved and we meet with our new social worker tomorrow.  Things are moving along in the new process and I feel like we are getting closer to holding that beautiful baby.  We have done just about everything we can up to this point.  Once our books are here, it will be up to God and the right birthmother to pick us and match us with our new little one.  We continue to wait on God and pray for his timing.  In the meantime I will continue to drive myself crazy with nursery ideas and lists of things to remember about infancy ;).  Thank you for your prayers!