"Born not from our flesh, but born in our hearts, you were longed for and wanted and loved from the start"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Waiting For You....

It has been a really crazy first couple of weeks of summer this year, but was able to sneak away to the beach yesterday with Luke.  The lake always helps my head to clear and listening to the waves, feeling the sand and staring at the water always makes me feel better.  It may be a little silly to say but I feel like I'm closer to God when at the lake.  While soaking up the sand and watching Luke dig I said a prayer that God would allow ICAB to make a decision sooner than later if possible and just give us word.  That was it, nothing big, but it's been on my heart lately and I have been feeling a little discouraged with the process so I felt the need to just pray.  When I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed by the day I checked my email and found this...

David & Kim:

It's official! You are waiting in the Philippines program. ICAB sent the following today:
"ICAB is pleased to inform you that Mr. and Mrs. David and Kimberly Hoekstra was approved on June 1, 2012 for placement of a single child of either gender between 25 to 72 months old or a sibling group of two (2) children of either gender between 25 to 60 months old. Their names are now included in the roster of approved applicants.

Yay, Yay, and double Yay!  As a friend said "This makes me all kinds of happy!"  So it is official!  Ten months into the process, we are on the waiting list for HC3 (or 4).  There is still lots to do to prepare at home, but it's awesome knowing that we are on the list!  

Luke made this sign and we took this picture this morning!  So excited!!

"Waiting For You!"

1 comment:

  1. Soooo excited for you!!!!!! :-) (this is jenny from BCCHS!!) LOL.
